Gambrell Portfolio

Gambrell Portfolio

And of course… this portfolio site. This is the 4th release of and is developed from scratch using a hands on hard-coding approach (meaning no WordPress or templates are employed in this project, though I’m able and have developed with these tools). The concept and objective was to have a ‘BIG’ presentation or display of the featured works (as in version 3), but still hold true to key design elements including easy accessing, navigation, readability, and usability. In developing each release of the goal is to experiment with new tools and methods, and work with the latest technologies for the best presentation, delivery of content, and above all a great user experience. This helps me professionally to gain an understanding of both the theory and practice of what’s currently being employed in the industry.


XHTML, XML, CSS, Php, JQuery

Responsive Adaptive fluid website design, form processing using PHP technology, dynamic XML-content
Gambrell Portfolio Gambrell Portfolio Gambrell Portfolio